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 Admin application for EvilBookOfMonkey

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-06-02

Admin application for EvilBookOfMonkey Empty
PostSubject: Admin application for EvilBookOfMonkey   Admin application for EvilBookOfMonkey Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 10:03 am

1: I playing this game often! From moring (11:10 to whenever this game closes)

2: Because I get on like everyday to watch players. I even didn't get a GM but I tell players to follow the rules most of time. I love to help players because I am kindness. That's my way.

3: No one say anything about how I should be a GM. Honest is important.

I do have a one question. I am minor Iconner and Mapper. I honestly, am not skilled at these but I can do my best for this game. Let me know if you need extra. I'm still learning.

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Admin application for EvilBookOfMonkey
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