Rules1. Do not ask for Admin.
--If we feel you are Administrative Material, we will let you know. You can, however post us your application in the proper place here in the forums.
2. Respect fellow players and ranking players.
--GM or not, everyone should be treated respectfully. We want a good environment for us, and all our players.
3. No Spamming of anykind.
--Build Zone Spam, Chat Spam, Attack Spam, ect.
4. No Swearing of anykind.
--We attract all ages to our game. So you can understand. Also, we don't want to hear about how "You're a BadA Mother F'er and everyone else is a B*tch."
5. Do not randomly attack players, ask to battle first, and do so inside the proper area.
--They system will give you a warning and send you to start! The world can see when someone was killed outside of an Attack Zone, and multiple offenses will results in jail time.
6. Do not advertise other games. Zero Tolerance!
--We don't want to hear it! Plain and simple! You are playing our game, focus on us!
7. Do not build outside of the designated area!
--We have a Go to Build Zone verb in commands. This is when you will granted Build Verbs to build whatever you wish. Try not to build on paths.(Higher up the map paths do not exist)
8. Do NOT AFK Train - No Auto-Click. Save wiped and Temporary Ban.
--This takes away all the fun of training up a little, go do a couple things, train some more, do a couple things. You leave the computer and come back stronger than anything. You will walk through what we have available.
GM Rules1. No Abuse, authority needs to be a positive roll model.
--We can strip you of GM as quickly as we bestowed it upon you.
2. Have reason, a good one, to punish players. Not "Because he was mocking me!!!"
--We will not tolerate abuse of powers.
3. Respect everyone, don't act like you are better.
-- It is a last resort, but the truth in the end is everybody is replaceable!
4. Regular Rule Set applies to